Christian Symbols and Their Meanings

Although it is a fairly new religion compared to other religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism, Christianity leads the world today with 2.4 billion people following it (2012 data). … Read more

Buddhist Symbols and Their Meanings


Throughout the ages, mankind has used various different symbols to represent their faith and religious beliefs. And when it comes to symbolism, we can say that Buddhism is surely one … Read more

Occult Symbols and Their Meanings


It goes without saying that, in today’s world, occult practices are very rarely used by a very small number of people. Occult symbols, however, is another issue. Although they mostly … Read more

Atheist Symbols and Their Meanings

As it literally means the lack of faith in any kind of god, religion or a holy book, atheism does not have representatives like prophets and saints or involve any … Read more